Saturday, 30 June 2012

Keep Insulin Levels Under Control, Fight Diabetes with Generic Actos

Diabetes is one such condition that has been in the lives of people since time unknown. Its a serious life threatening disorder which if not taken into account can lead to many health diseases. To define the exact definition of diabetes one can state that it is when the blood glucose level in the body increase above the normal, then the condition of diabetes is detected in the patients. Drug with the name of Generic Actos has been developed for the treatment of diabetes mellitus type 2.
The body functions by converting the amount of food an individual eats and this is either converted into fat or glucose or nutrition which provides energy to perform all kinds of work by the human being. Pancreas, an organ just below the stomach is responsible for secreting a hormone known as insulin which aids the glucose to be stored in the cells of the body. But when this process is unable to happen at the appropriate time, the sugar gets stored in the body leading to diabetes. Though there is no specific age when an individual can suffer from diabetes but usually it has been prevalent in old age people, more so who are obese or fat. Several tests can determine whether or not an individual is suffering through diabetes.
Along with this disease there are many other kinds of problems that can happen to the individual which makes it all the more difficult for the person to keep him under control. Therefore, it is extremely important that you take good care of your health and look after your diet. Doctors instructions should be followed without fail and the medicine she prescribes should be taken on time. As the type 2 diabetic people have higher levels of cholesterol in their liver which blocks the arteries to carry blood to the heart, which makes the heart deficient of the much needed oxygen and nutrients owing to which heart related disease such as heart attacks, stroke take place. Therefore, it is important to keep a good account of your health.
Generic Actos is a drug designed to treat patients with diabetes and it can be taken along other drugs as well. It has been quite a popular kind of drug which has been able to prove its effectiveness in a small time among the patient. This is an oral drug which is available in the from of tablets. Generic name of the drug is also popularly known by the name of pioglitazone. The dosage is decide by the doctor according to the severity of the condition. Generic version comes at less price cost than its brand name drug but is equally effective, safe and affordable as well.


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